Pickaroon handle is one of the important aspects of the pickaroon. Just
like its head
which I talked about earlier on this blog, the handle also plays a huge role in
your effectiveness of picking and loading wood logs.
Pickaroon handle is not something as easy as it looks. Because there
are a lot of things to consider when picking up a right pickaroon handle of right
kind and that is specific to your needs.
There are pickaroon handles which are made up of woods, some of them
are of steel. Some have a comfortable handle some don’t. Some are ergonomics-friendly
which I talked about later in this post while some are not that good enough in handling.
And finally, you have the size of the handle.
This is why this post will specifically target an important part that
is “pickaroon handle” which a worker handles the most.
Why The Pickaroon/Hookaroon
Handle Matters?
You know that the pickaroon and hookaroon handles are the ones that are
necessary and though which we use this amazing tool.
Without it you might not be able to use the tool with that effectiveness.
I’m going to lay down a couple of things about why the pickaroon/hookaroon
handles matters a lot.
So let’s begin.
Inertia is the most important physical concept which we see especially in
the world of pickaroon. When we apply a force even if it’s little, the inertia
pushes the tool to a good level and makes are work easy enough.
That doesn’t mean we don’t have to apply a force but, it means that it
makes our work easy enough that we don’t have to manually push the handle too hard
to be able to hit on the wood log.
Even if you apply a little force the inertia will carry the rest of your
work and be able to increase your force by about 20% which is a good sign.
Inertia in this pickaroon working world plays a huge role in this area.
You’ll eventually stick under the wood log even if the power wasn’t that
enough just because of the law of inertia.
Most of the people when they are using pickaroon or hookaroon tool don’t
ever think about the ergonomics. Ergonomics is a good concept in almost all the
fields where we do something physical which especially applies to machinery and
how we use them in what posture we use them also matters.
Pickaroon is one of those fields because we rely on pickaroon tool to work
manually and this ergonomic thing should be considered in this area.
Ergonomics simply means the easiness for you to pick and work using
this tool without straining any part of the body.
I know strain will happen naturally on a hand from which you’re handling
this tool and it might happen on your back if your pickaroon is not big enough
and you’ve to bend to do your work but, I mean if it’s effecting you more than
expected than it might be an ergonomic issue.
One thing I need to point here is that ergonomic is not just in the
tool but the way you work from it also plays a role. If your posture is not correct
no matter which tool you use you still have ergonomic issues using pickaroon.
If that’s the case you should carry another pickaroon or replace it
with a better and tested pickaroon and try to practice making better postures during
the work.
If you happen to work with the same pickaroon which is straining your
body parts then overtime you’ll have a hard time focusing on your work and you’ll
feel tired quickly comparing to now.
By control I mean to see how you are able to control the tool. Now,
here comes the amazing part.
If your pickaroon happen to have a metal head or any head which is
heavy enough then you might not be able to control the pickaroon to a level that
you desire.
But, the advantage of using a heavy head in the pickaroon is that you’ll
hit in a precise position and without much efforts.
And as said previously if inertia plays a good role in the pickaroon woodworking
then you’ll have a very easy time working with the tool.
The length of the hookaroon/pickaroon also matters in the inertia which
is what the next point is about.
Length of the pickaroon also matters a lot especially in the area of
Inertia works better when it has enough space from between the source
force and the source end.
Meaning, the source force is in this case is the hand and the source
end in this case is the head part of the pickaroon.
When the distance between these 2 sources are enough and a bit lengthier
than the inertia will work in to play.
And the percentage of the inertia increasing your force is directly proportional
to the length of your hookaroon /pickaroon tool itself.
I can’t emphasize on this enough. This is something you’ll be able to
test first hand. The feel should be comfortable enough so you can work with it
You should feel comfortable enough during the days where you’re a bit
tiered but the tool itself is good enough and feels so much better that you can work using it for hours even if
you’re not really feeling well because of the cold or for some other reasons.
Here You Have It.
This is why the selection of the pickaroon/hookaroon tool is so important
and should be at focus before you even consider getting a new one.
Pickaroon handle is something that you can’t even neglect doing so might
yield unwanted results which are hard to solve or might cost money which might
lead you in spending more than you initially budgeted.
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